In the days before domestic gadgetry and time-saving appliances, food preparation took up most of the day. 还没有家用小器具和省时的家用电器的时候,准备食物得花大半天时间。
All worktops should be wide enough to allow plenty of space for food preparation. 所有的厨房操作台都应该足够宽大,为制作食物提供足够的空间。
This is my shortcoming: Where I ought to have a lively intellectual curiosity about food preparation, I generally have a despairing blank. 这是我的缺点:我本该对烹制食物产生强烈的求知欲,但通常我只感到绝望的木然。
Food service personnel should be trained in food preparation hygiene. 饮食服务人员须接受过食物配制卫生培训。
To supervise effectively manage all related stewarding functions within the food preparation restaurant areas; 监督及有效的管理在食品的准备及餐厅区域中所有与管事部相关的工作。
The ceramic tiles in the food preparation areas have also been vitrified for extra strength. 灶台用瓷砖构造成玻璃状增机了额外的力量。
People living in high-risk areas can protect themselves by following a few simple rules of good hygiene and safe food preparation. 生活在高危地区的人们可通过遵循良好卫生习惯和安全制备食品的一些简单规则来保护自己。
Food preparation areas must be kept clean. 制作食物的场所应保持清洁。
The course teaches traditional methods of food preparation. 这个课程教授食品准备的传统方法。
Living areas are not sanitized regularly and it's not uncommon for floors and surfaces to be caked with urine and feces, even in food preparation areas. 生活方面不消毒,定期的情况并不罕见的地板和表面将结块的尿液和粪便,甚至在配制食物的地方。
In addition, in retail food stores, operational steps such as packaging and assembly may be included in all of the food preparation processes prior to being sold to the consumer. 另外,在零售食品店,在食品售给消费者之前,诸如包装、组合等步骤可能会存在于所有的食品准备活动中。
These cooking techniques use less fat in the food preparation and are generally lower in calories. 因为这些食物在烹调过程中用的动物油较少,并且热量普遍较低。
For example, girls may have more involvement in food preparation and other food-related tasks, which may play a protective role in the development of disordered eating behaviors. 例如,女孩可能参与准备食物和其他与食物相关的工作,而这些可能对不正常饮食习惯有一定的预防作用。
Good hygiene practices in food preparation, transportation, storage and consumption; 食物制备、运输、储存和食用方面的良好卫生措施;
You won't find a lot of fat like butter and lard in Middle Eastern cooking or food preparation. 在中东菜肴的烹饪和原料准备过程中,你不会看到像黄油和猪油等含有大量脂肪的食物。
Conversation BMegan: Do you know anything about food preparation? 梅根:你知道食物要怎么准备吗?
Crew Member, Stocking, Cashiering, Cleaning, Food Preparation and etc. 服务生,采购员,保洁员,收银员,食物准备员,等等。
Plan and direct food preparation and cooking activities of several restaurants in an establishment, restaurant chains, hospitals or other establishments with food services. 在餐馆,餐饮连锁店,医院或其他食品服务机构,计划和指导几个餐厅的食品制备和烹调环节。
When handling raw poultry or raw poultry products, persons involved in food preparation should wash their hands thoroughly and clean and disinfect surfaces in contact with the poultry products. 在处理生家禽或家禽产品后,参与制备食品的人应将手彻底洗净并对接触过家禽产品的表面进行消毒。
Poultry and poultry products should be properly cooked and handled during food preparation. 在食品制备过程中,对禽类和禽类产品应加以妥善烹调和处理。
Most, but not all, human cases have been linked to direct exposure to dead or diseased poultry, notably during slaughtering, defeathering, and food preparation. 大多数但并非所有人间病例与直接接触死禽或病禽有关,特别在屠宰、脱毛和食物制备期间。
What are the three food preparation processes most often used in retail and food service establishments? 什么是在零售和餐饮行业运用最多的三种食品预处理方法?
Both professional and domestic food handlers should be vigilant while preparing food and should observe hygienic rules of food preparation. 专业化以及家庭食品操作者都应当在制备食物时保持警惕,并且应当遵守食品制备的卫生规章。
The Commission adopted the first guidelines for reducing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAH) intake through final food preparation. 委员会通过了关于在食品最后制备过程中减少多环芳烃摄入的第一份准则。
Check on food preparation, such as the condiments or sauces used. 检查食品准备程序,例如使用的调味品。
The scientific study of food preparation and intake. 调制与食用饮食的科学研究。
In areas experiencing outbreaks, poultry and poultry products can also be safely consumed provided these items are properly cooked and properly handled during food preparation. 在正经历暴发的地区,也可以安全消费家禽和家禽产品,只要在食品制备过程中对它们加以妥善烹调和适当处理。
Juices from raw poultry and poultry products should never be allowed, during food preparation, to touch or mix with items eaten raw. 在制备食品过程中,一定不得让生家禽和家禽产品的汁水接触或混入生吃的食物。
But its fortunes improved as Italians began to appreciate a more northern European aesthetic and when other markets adopted furniture covers and elaborate food preparation. 但是,当意大利人开始欣赏更具北欧特征的审美观念之后,当其它市场接受了家具覆皮和精细的餐具后,宜家的好运就来了。
The culinary arts offer many areas of specialized study, including global cuisine, American regional cuisine, nutritional cooking, kosher food preparation, and even ice carving. 烹饪艺术提供许多领域的专业学习,包括世界美食烹饪,美式烹饪,营养烹饪,洁食准备,甚至是冰雕工艺。